The Gaslamp Quarter Of San Diego

What’s in San Diego’s historic gaslamp quarter?
One way to find out is to take one of our comfortable and practical electric scooter tours through the heart of the city.
You’ll see sites and scenes you wouldn’t anticipate, and get a glimpse of the vibrant restaurant and theater culture and the nightlife of a great Southern American city!
Traversing the Gaslamp Quarter
Our Gaslamp tour takes you through little Italy and Chinatown. You go past Horton Plaza, which was originally named for A. Horton in 1897 who built a new town amid the older San Diego infrastructure.
You also pass the USS Midway docked on our shores, which was the subject of one of our blogs last month about a naval military tour that you can sign up for to learn more about this era. That’s just a small part of what you can expect downtown here, near the Coronado and other areas of San Diego for which we have pride.
The Gaslamp District
As you make your way into the Gaslamp District of town, you’ll see the Victorian ethos of these traditional buildings.
San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter has 100 historic buildings in 16 blocks, along with quite a few of San Diego’s cultural centers and iconic landmarks.
You’ll get these pointed out to you in a whirlwind tour of a city with so much to offer that people come from all over the world to take a look!
The Sights and Sounds
We’ve given you some of the highlights of the Gaslamp tour, but it’s hard to describe what it actually looks like, sounds like and feels like to be down there in this uniquely historic part of the southwestern California landscape!
We really enjoy putting together these tours, because there’s so much to offer, and our professional guides are so good at what they do. Then you get the benefit of new scooter technology to get right down in the action and have some control over your itinerary. It’s a combination that really impresses our guests as they motor around a city known for its culture and unique scenery. Our wish for you is to have the very best San Diego trip that you can have, because you may have traveled a long way to be here, and may not be returning for a while! If you’re looking for another mode of transportation, and to see the city lights of, try GoCar AfterDark to explore the historic Gaslamp Quarter District in another light.
Ask any questions you may have about getting around SD in style.